Logo for the Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County. Stabilizing families since 1998.


(904) 819-0059

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9 AM to 5 PM

Food Pantry Hours

Monday – Friday
10 AM to 2 PM

Helping St. Johns County Homeless Families
Become Self Sufficient

Homeless Families St. Johns County

Breaking the Cycle of Poverty & Homelessness with Children

Homeless Families St. Johns County

Building Skills that Help Give Homeless Families a Positive Future

Homeless Families St. Johns County

Providing Safe Housing for Homeless Children and Their Parents

ESHC provides innovative programs to assist the most chronic homeless families with children in Florida’s St. Johns County to get off the street and on the road to self-sufficiency.

What is Transitional Housing?

Transitional Housing is the completion of a process that guides homeless people into permanent housing. The program requires the clients to seek job training, employment, continuing education, assessment counseling and permanent housing.

Almost without exception, when the clients leave the program, they are moving into their own apartments.

“ESHC is not a handout. It’s a hand up. We help homeless families who want to help themselves”