Help End Family Homelessness in St. Johns County

Your Donation Will Help Provide Homeless Families with Children:
Safe & Decent Housing
Relieving them of the emotional & mental pressures of day-to-day struggles that can sap the will to better their lives.
Supportive Services
Focused on helping them attain resiliency & economic mobility that will allow them to move forward into affordable permanent housing.
Consider Becoming a Monthly Contributor
A small amount each month can make a
huge difference annually.
Benefits for You
You’ll have the convenience of making an automatic monthly donation.
More Impact
You’ll make a regular, compounded impact over a longer period of time.
Benefits for Us
Consistent Cash Flow
Predictable monthly donations allow us to confidently make annual budget and spending decisions.
Stability & Reliability
We’ll receive your funds throughout the year – even during slower giving months.
Empowered to Innovate & Enhance
Reliable funding allows us opportunities to enhance & innovate our program to further assist homeless families with their goals.
Examples of How Your Donation will Impact of Homeless Families
Your $50 Impact
Year supply of cleaning supplies (Lysol, bleach, detergent, mop, broom, etc.) for one family allowing them to better budget for household bills and the needs of their children.
Your $250 Impact
Year supply of household items (lightbulbs, toilet paper, paper towels, etc.) for one family allowing them to efficiently allocate money toward utilities and affordable rent.
Your $500 Impact
30 nights of stable & supportive housing for one homeless family that includes case management, home maintenance, & a strong foundation to transition to self-sufficiency.
About Us
Since 1998, the Homeless Coalition has served the county’s most vulnerable families by:
Providing Safe & Decent Homes
To keep homeless families intact while experiencing a housing crisis.
Cottages on a 5-Acre Campus in West Augustine.
Helping Families Build Skills
That can lead to self-sufficiency & end generational poverty.
Families Maintained Income and/or Received Raises
Providing Tutoring
When families request tutoring for their children: