Logo for the Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County. Stabilizing families since 1998.


(904) 819-0059

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9 AM to 5 PM

Food Pantry Hours

Monday – Friday
10 AM to 2 PM

Impact Stories: Moving Families Out of Homelessness

The stories below show how the Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County has helped homeless families and individuals move forward in their lives.

The stories also demonstrate the determination of these individuals to take the steps necessary to to build a brighter future for them and their families.

Impact Story: Zara Doesn’t Give Up!

Impact Story: Zara Doesn’t Give Up!

Just a couple of years ago, a young, pregnant Zara and her son lived in a car on the streets of St. Johns County and faced a grim, uncertain future. Today, she, her 4-year-old son, and 2-year-old daughter are thriving in affordable, safe, and stable housing with supportive services on the Homeless Coalition’s 5-acre campus.

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Impact Story: Safae Demonstrates Strength & Resilience

Impact Story: Safae Demonstrates Strength & Resilience

Facing a housing crisis, Safae demonstrated strength and a can-do attitude—all qualities that helped to propel her and her toddler son from homelessness to a stable household. The Homeless Coalition provided her with safe & stable housing, time, and services she used to achieve goals and gain the resilience to overcome life challenges.

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Impact Story: Gladys & Her 7-Year Son

Impact Story: Gladys & Her 7-Year Son

Gladys, 26, beams with pride as she and her 7-year-old son stand on the porch of her first permanent affordable rental home. Gladys arrived to the Homeless Coalition a homeless single mom. In March 2022, she achieved self-sufficiency and moved into an affordable rental home.

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Moving families and individuals out of poverty and homelessness takes a community of volunteers, donors, and leaders.

It also takes services and programs to meet the needs of vulnerable families and individuals to stabilize their housing crisis situation, attain resiliency through life skill training, and gain self-sufficiency and upward economic mobility.

Be a Part of the Solution to End Homelessness for Families in St. Johns County

Donations can help us provide safe & decent housing and critical supportive services that can make a difference in the lives of this vulnerable population.

About Us

Since 1998, the Homeless Coalition has served the county’s most vulnerable families by:

Providing Safe & Decent Homes

To keep homeless families intact while experiencing a housing crisis.

Cottages on a 5-Acre Campus in West Augustine.

Helping Families Build Skills

That can lead to self-sufficiency & end generational poverty.


Families Maintained Income and/or Received Raises

Providing Education Programs

To ensure homeless children stay in school & receive vital tutoring.


Tutored children improved grades

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