Logo for the Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County. Stabilizing families since 1998.


(904) 819-0059

Office Hours

Monday – Friday
9 AM to 5 PM

Food Pantry Hours

Monday – Friday
10 AM to 2 PM

Impact Story: Safae Demonstrates Strength & Resilience

After leaving a troubled marriage, Safae and her toddler son found themselves homeless with limited resources.

Referred to the Homeless Coalition transitional housing program by St. Johns Care Connect, Safae was provided the time and services to achieve her goals of long-term safety, stability, savings, and strength to overcome life challenges.

She and her son recently moved into a permanent rental home at the Homeless Coalition.

Her Challenge

Left troubled marriage

Homeless single mother with toddler

Immigrant with no local family support

Arrived at Homeless Coalition

Entered Transitional Housing Program March 2021

With limited savings and resources

Working multiple jobs

Her Achievements by March 2022

Moved into Permanent Affordable Rental Housing at the Homeless Coalition

Established savings

Plans to study law enforcement, become a citizen, and purchase a home

You Can Help Create More Homeless Success Stories Like This One

Donations help provide safe & decent housing and critical supportive services that can make a difference in the lives of this vulnerable population.

Safae’s Story

When you speak with Safae, she openly shares her strength, resilience, and can-do attitude—all qualities that helped to propel her and her son from homelessness to a stable household.

Safae proudly shows off the home she’s worked hard to move her and her 3-year-old son into this past May.

Safae enjoys cooking meals in her kitchen.

Safae enjoys cooking meals in her kitchen.

Safae shows off the decorating she's done in her dining room.

Safae shows off the decorating she’s done in her dining room.

Safae says her 3-year-old son loves his room and toys.

Safae says her 3-year-old son loves his room and toys.

“I feel like I have my own place now and my son loves it!”

Her Need for Safe & Stable Housing

In 2019, Safae moved to St. Johns County from Morocco with her then-husband who had family in the area.

Safae soon found her relationship unstable enough that she chose to move her and her young son out due to safety concerns.
With limited resources and no local family support, Safae found herself in a housing crisis.

St. Johns Care Connect referred her to the Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County to help stabilize her housing situation.

Attaining Resilience & Economic Mobility

After moving into one of the Homeless Coalition’s furnished transitional living cottages in March 2021, Safae turned her attention to building up resilience to overcome her life challenges, become self-sufficient, and establish a stable housing solution for herself and her son.

With the guidance of her Homeless Coalition Case Manager, Safae leveraged community resources available to her and her son.

She established and managed a monthly budget that helped to build up her savings. She maintained employment working as a cashier at a grocery store and prepping food at a local restaurant.

“I realize that you don’t have to wait to get help handed to you. I told myself each day not to give up and to take the steps necessary to reach my goals.”

Realizing Permanent Housing

After a little over a year of living in the Homeless Coalition Transitional Housing Program, she achieved the requirements to move into an affordable permanent rental home maintained by the Homeless Coalition.

“I appreciate that the Homeless Coalition has shown faith in me and saw that I was responsible enough to have a lease in my name.”

Moving Forward

With her home situation stabilized, Safae looks forward to moving on to the next stage of her life.

In Morocco, she had studied law enforcement and plans on doing so again in the U.S.

She wants to become a U.S. citizen in 2024. She also has her sights on purchasing her own home and getting her son into a good school.

“We gave Safae a safe place to stabilize her life and the tools to empower her journey from homelessness. She’s demonstrated amazing strength and determination to do the work necessary to get back on her feet.”

Debi Redding

Executive Director, Homeless Coalition of St. Johns County

Be a Part of the Solution to End Homelessness for Families in St. Johns County

Donations can help us provide safe & decent housing and critical supportive services that can make a difference in the lives of this vulnerable population.

About Us

Since 1998, the Homeless Coalition has served the county’s most vulnerable families by:

Providing Safe & Decent Homes

To keep homeless families intact while experiencing a housing crisis.

Cottages on a 5-Acre Campus in West Augustine.

Helping Families Build Skills

That can lead to self-sufficiency & end generational poverty.


Families Maintained Income and/or Received Raises

Providing Education Programs

To ensure homeless children stay in school & receive vital tutoring.


Tutored children improved grades

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